Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spartan Race??????

Chris and I have been going to the gym a lot! Yes, we have a very nice gym here in the trailorhood! I totally and completely, hate the treadmill, but it is so hot and Chris runs a lot faster than me. As much as I hate running in one place, I will admit that it is kind of nice being side by side the whole time with a fan on me! The boys used to go with us, before school started, and they would run and do weights, and that was hilarious to watch.

Chris has been very faithful to his workouts because he got suckered into being on the Academy team for this race: http://www.spartanrace.com/

It is October 3rd and it is a 5k run with 12 outrageous obstacles. Watch the video, it is going to be so interesting!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today is "Big Dad's" Birthday! We didn't get to celebrate with him, but I did talk to him twice today! Here are a couple of pictures from Destin. Mom and Dad met up with us and hung out a couple of days while we were there! We love you Big Dad!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


The boys had a great first week of school. Chris and I were sad that our baby went to kindergarten, but he likes it, so that made it easier on us. What did we do all week? We worked out together a few days, had a couple of lunch dates and just enjoyed the quiet time together. Chris had meetings one day, so I had a half day all to myself. That has been a long time coming!

Chris took Matt, one of the buyers, on a hunt this past May. Matt got an axis deer and Chris shot this scimitar oryx, but hit it about 4 inches too high. They couldn't find it. A few days after he got home, it was spotted alive. This past Friday the owner called and told Chris to come back this weekend and get him. So he hunted and hunted, no shot. Just when he thought he was going to come home empty handed, he saw it. He shot him good this time! He saw where his last shot went in and out, and had healed up. So, they are supposed to make great steaks? We will see, he's headed to the processor tomorrow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day at new school

The boys had a great first day of school. I really thought Brooks would not like being stuck in a classroom all day, but he loved it. He cannot wait to go back tomorrow. They both like their teachers and so do we. I am thrilled.
I really thought Chris and I would have a tough day today, but actually we did ok. I went to Sam's and lunch with some sweet girls. He went golfing with some Academy guys. It was a really nice day.
Jax got his guitar today. He cannot quit smiling. He went to his bedroom by himself and tried to play it. So cute!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jax is 8

Our sweet boy is 8. I cannot believe it. I think he had a great day. His birthday requests were a big t-bone steak, a cookie cake and all of us to snuggle up in our bed and watch a movie. We did all of those and had a happy day.

So Chris and I got him a gun, and of coarse he was thrilled. Nana and Grandpa got him a scope for it. The only other thing he wanted was a guitar. He has been begging for a guitar and lessons. It is really funny because that is something that we have never really suggested. He came up with it all on his own. So, clueless as we are about guitars, we called a couple of people with knowledge in that department, and they all told us the same one to get. So he bought one on ebay with all the rest of his birthday money. It is a new one signed by Kevin Fowler for just a little bit less than a new one would cost. Weird I know, but true. Now he is just waiting on it to be delivered.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


First, sorry that I am a couple days behind. Quick road trip to Greenwood and Rogers. Now I am home and ready to post pictures. I will make this short and sweet, because that is how I like stories!

After having our house on and off the market for over a year, it finally sold. We wondered why it took so long. Well, it was all in God's plan.

So when we got the contract in on our house we started looking hard for a place to move to. We looked at several houses. Some that we kind of liked. Didn't love any of them. We kept looking. Nothing felt right. Then, our loan guy put the pressure on us, because it takes longer now to close on a house than it used to. He told us we needed to hurry up if we were going to go from one home to another. So, Chris and I decided to rent a house. What a relief that was. We were happy with that decision. In the midst of moving, we were still looking on the internet every day for new listings. We were believing that God was going to put the perfect house out there for us or we were going to stumble upon the perfect builder, or something! We knew God would work it all out. Boy, did he. I found a new listing that looked interesting on a Thursday. Chris was busy, and our realtor was busy, so we couldn't go look at it until that Saturday. We scheduled our appointment for 10:00 AM and there were 2 other couples there looking at it at the same time. So we went in and looked around. We were in awe, to put it mildly. It was everything we ever wanted and MORE! Seriously, perfect! Not to mention, the asking price was 72,500 less than the home we just sold! The only concern, all the other people there looking just as long and hard as us.

So we definitely wanted to make an offer. (after just unpacking and moving into our rental) Our realtor thought we should make a full price offer. If you know me, I couldn't stand to do that. Even though it was way less than we ever thought we would have to pay. So we made a good offer and prayed that if it was meant to be, it would be. It was hard. We waited. The next day, our realtor called to tell us that the buyers were waiting on another offer before they responded to ours. Great, we were a little anxious about it. We really, really liked the house. So, that evening Chris and I were outside with the boys and we were wondering what was going on. I no more said, "If it is God's will, then it will all work out," when our realtor called with good news. The second offer never came in and the house was ours!!! The house was obviously under priced, because they had something like 16 showings in 5 days.

So God taught us a huge lesson on patience. We wondered why it took so long to sell our house. It was because our perfect home wasn't available yet and if we had settled for one of the homes we just kind of liked, we would have truly missed out. It looks like we will close on September 9th.

So here it is, with the pictures in random order. It is on 2.5 acres and you cannot see the house from the road. It has a winding driveway through the trees! Love it!

Oh yeah, one more thing, his and her closets, and huge shower in the master bath with double shower heads, and well, totally cabinish!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

As Promised....Our new crib!

I have been holding out for a day when the place was somewhat clean, so that I could take some pictures. It happened for about an hour and a half yesterday, but I forgot to take pictures. So here it is, mess and all.

I think I got shots of about everything except the front????? Bedroom/Storage room
Boys room, that was clean yesterday, until they got home from running errands with Daddy. I found Camo in their room late last night with his head in a bag of potato chips. As I was picking up that mess, I looked over at the two tubs (blue and green) and wondered why one was stacked on the other. Yeah, should have known, there are real fish, from the creek, in there. They snuck those by me, somehow?

Another storage room/bedroom

I must say that, I have been spoiled in my life. I have always had big, wonderful closets? Missing that right now!

You like how I have 2 refrigerators in my kitchen? Nice, huh!

One of Camo's favorite places.....

One of his other favorite places........

The boys favorite place......this is right beside our house. EVERY DAY the boys and dog are covered in the mud, then they all get in the shower together. It is so cute! I don't even ever have to bathe the dog and he smells great!

Tomorrow, the story and pics of our new place! Hopefully!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Boys talking

Conversation I overheard about 30 minutes ago from the backseat!

Brooks: "Look, there is a big diesel truck with a brushguard!"

Jax: "Yeah, but it is a dually."

Brooks: "My first truck is going to be a big diesel truck with a brushguard and bull nuts hanging from the back, and I am going to drive it around my ranch."

Jax: "You aren't going to have enough money to buy a ranch!"

Brooks: "Yes, I am and I am going to buy 2 diesel trucks and probably a four wheeler too!"

Jax: "No you are not!"

Brooks: "Yes I am, cause I am going to work for Bone Collector and you are just trying to get me irritated and if you don't stop I am not going to let you come hunt on my ranch."

Then they went on to what kind of animals they are going to put on their ranch and I quit listening. Oh, and about the "bull nuts!" We were walking in the Academy parking lot the other day, when a truck passed us with a set hanging from it. Seriously, I don't get it! Anyway, Jax said, "look mom that guy is a hunter!" I said, "how can you tell?" I was really trying to figure out where this one was going when he said, "He has a turkey leg hanging from his truck!" Well, guess they kind of do look like turkey legs???????? I then explained to him what it really was, but couldn't explain to him why someone would put them on the back of their truck!