Friday, July 15, 2011

Sure to be a hit!

We had Bierocks in Kansas and they were fantastic. I had to find the recipe! I did and they turned out great. I, of coarse, used deer meat. You may think, cabbage, yuck????? Just trust me!

*tips......add some extra sugar to the dough mix (like a 1/3 cup) and use a thermometer for the yeast (I used my meat thermometer) and next time I am going to use whole wheat flour!

I think there are tons of things you could put in the dough. I am going to try taco meat and cheese next!

We have tons of tomatoes from the garden and I made this with a bunch of them. SO, SO, SO good! Chris couldn't get enough! He and Justin were at the bar, each with forks, eating out of the container when Allison and I came home from bunco.

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