Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well, as you can tell by my lack of posts, we have been busy. The first of June we took the kids past Dallas to meet up with Nana. They stayed with her for about a week. During that time we vacationed with Blake and Miranda and sold our house!!! We are so happy!!! They made us a pretty good offer and then we countered back with what we had hoped to get, and they accepted!!!! We cannot believe it. We don't close until July 30th but we are trying hard to figure out where we want to move???

In the midst of all of that chaos we were also trying to buy a new truck. That is a whole story in itself and if you know us at all, you know that we would rather have the flu than car shop. I DO NOT like buying brand new cars, they are so expensive and depreciate rapidly. I don't like paying huge repair shop bills either!!! We are always going somewhere and need a good traveling vehicle. Chris told me months ago that we needed to get me a new Suburban. I just couldn't do it and really didn't want to drive one all of the time. I really want a 4 door Wrangler but that is not a good traveling vehicle. So, after I found out that we can depreciate out a new truck on our taxes, I knew that was the thing to do. We bought a new Ford F250 Diesel and I have peace about it, which is saying a lot. The boys are so happy. They have been begging for a real truck (they say the Avalanche is not a real truck, and they are right) and now we are ready to get a camper!!! So now that we have a huge truck to travel in, I think I might just look around for me a used Jeep????? Won't that be fun!!!!!!

1 comment:

Stacy Carter said...

Post some pics of the new truck! So glad that house sold! Too bad you can't move back here! :( Glad you and Chris got to have a good break, we enjoyed seeing the boys! Can't wait for vacation!